Listen for God’s Voice

Trust God from the bottom of your heart;

Don’t try to figure everything out on your own.

Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go.

He is the one who will keep you on track.

Proverbs 3: 5-12

This is such a great scripture today! I am learning that I can plan and dream about the wild purpose God has given me, but unless I lay it down at the cross, it is no more than ashes.

Trust God from the bottom of your heart… It all starts with God and ends with God. I just need to trust from the bottom of my heart. God has this. He has always had this. He conquered sin at the cross so that we could live free of that same sin. I am free. Now I just need to believe it.

Don’t try to figure out everything on your own… I’m not sure where this journey will take me. I’d like to think it will take me straight to slim and beautiful but I know that God has far more in store for me than transient things such as these. There is a far bigger spiritual lesson to learn, one that I can not even begin to imagine. But I don’t need to figure it all out now. I am taking that first step at the bottom of the mountain. I do not know where it will lead me, and I know I have an uphill struggle ahead of me. But God has this. He knows the perils and upsets and difficulties that lie ahead. He has already figured out how I will conquer them. I just need to trust.

Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go… I love this, particularly when applied to food. There are so many temptations, so many areas in which I will fall. But there is a solution to keeping on track. Listen to God, whatever I am doing (eating, shopping, cooking) and everywhere I go (church, out with friends, at home with family). All those difficult situations around food where to say no would be rude, or to say yes would destroy my health. How to I discern which is which? I must listen for God’s still quiet voice to tell me. He has the answer to every temptation, in every situation and in every place I go. He has the answer.

He’s the one who will keep you on track… For the past three decades I have tried and failed countless times to keep on the right track eating wise. I have such a string of failures behind me, I wonder how I can even try again…can my wearied body take any more failure? Now I understand. I have always tried to do it in my own strength. Now I realise that I was never meant to do this alone. It is God who will keep me on track. Not my rather weak self will, but God. Not my ability to say no, but God. Not the rule of any addiction I might have, but God. It’s God. And it always has been. He’s got this.

Trust. Listen. Succeed.

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