Clear Thinking and Common Sense

Guard clear thinking and common sense with your life…

They will keep you fit and attractive…

You’ll neither tire nor trip…

You’ll take afternoon naps, without a worry…

You’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Proverbs 3 v 21-26

How much, I wonder, do we over think things? Really, losing weight is simple – take in less calories than you use up and the weight will fall off. So why do we need the severe calorie restriction of one slimming club? Or the points based diet of another slimming club? Or maybe the red day or green day of yet another slimming club ? I’ve tried them all. The reality is that this is not clear thinking. Clear thinking would be to donate the money I used to attend these classes and also the money I spend on all the extra calories I ingest to countries where people do not have enough food. It is not common sense to pay to lose weight. It is not common sense to pay for help to stop eating.

Guard clear thinking and common sense with your life… Clear thinking and common sense should be guarded… this insinuates that they are something to be protected, something worth protecting. And maybe, something that, when left unguarded, the devil will snatch from your very self. They should be guarded with my life. They are to be to me more important than living. How big is that?!

They will keep you fit and active… This is interesting to me. It is clear thinking and common sense which will keep me fit and active. Not the gym, not a slimming and exercise club but clear thinking and common sense. I have a friend who embodies all of this. She never does anything fancy for her health but she lives her life with a great deal of common sense and clear thinking. As a result she is slim, fit and full of energy. She wakes at the same time every day; she drink primarily tap water; she eats three square meals a day; she does not snack and she walks a lot with friends and family. There are no grand gestures, just a woman living her life on her own terms, in her own way… and she is a stunner.

You’ll neither tire nor trip… How many times have I joined a slimming club of some sort and then tired of it a few weeks later? How often have I began a new deprived way of eating, y’know, no sugar diet, low carbs diet (I could go on almost indefinitely)? Too many times than I wish to admit too. And how many times did I trip up… maybe eating a pudding at a friend’s house on my no sugar diet, or a bite of my child’s doughnut on my no carbs diet? And once I trip, I immediately think that I have failed (again) and then stuff myself silly with all the foods I have deprived myself with, promising that tomorrow will be a new day. Tomorrow I will conquer this. But my very thoughts are flawed logic. They do not come from a place of clear thinking or common sense. And they ultimately fail me in my quest to lose this fat.

You’ll take afternoon naps without a worry… Honestly? I’m not sure how this relates to me as I try to give over to God this area of my life. But I like to think it is because if I was clear thinking and full of common sense, my life would be balanced enough to take a nap if I needed to without any fear of laziness or lethargy setting in.

You’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep… I don’t sleep well naturally, yet when I fasted for those two weeks I slept really (really) well. Maybe my eating hinders my sleep? I need clear thinking and common sense to understand when I should and should not be eating.


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