The Beginnings…

Start with God – the first step in learning is bowing down to God

Proverbs 1v7 (Message)

For such a small verse, there sure is a lot to get from it.

Start… I need to begin, just begin. For a journey to be completed, it first needs to be begun.

Start with God… I need to begin with God, not alone, not with some weight-loss organisation, but alone with God.

First step… the first step means beginning. It means taking that first step; taking that first step with God

Learning… Weight loss, real long term weight loss needs learning and requires a re-education by the individual. But in order to sieve the truth from the rubbish, I must start and take my first step with God.

Bowing… To God. I need to get myself into submission to God

Starting; Stepping; Learning; Bowing